Important Team Information, News, West Lorne Comets Holiday Jamboree (U7), 2023-2024, Tournament (West Lorne Comets)

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Dec 12, 2023 | Tournament Coordinator | 161 views
Important Team Information
Please log into your into team portal to upload all your required documents.

In your Team Management Portal, please ensure that you have uploaded your approved OMHA Roster and Travel Permit.  

OMHA Modified Ice Game Sheets will be used during each game. Please complete one (1) copy of the Modified Ice Game Sheet and submit it to the Tournament Coordinator.  You will be required to confirm with the tournament administration before each game your game sheet accurately reflects players and bench staff in attendance.   

Schedules are now posted online.  Coaches please ensure you have one (1) member of your bench staff that is prepared to go on the ice during each game. 

Floods are likely to happen after the 11:05 AM game, the 12:15 game, and the 1:20 PM game. 

All players will receive a medal after participation in the jamboree. 
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