Registration Info, Comets Holiday Jamboree, Tournament (West Lorne Comets)

More InfoTournament Registration Details
Registration is required through this online registration page.  

WLMHA and the Tournament Committee reserves the right to review all registrations for compatibility with the divisions being offered.  This includes reviewing current league standings (if available), past tournament results, and/or current game result record.  If a team is reviewed to not be suited to this tournament, you will be notified.  

When you are accepted into the tournament you will receive a notification of "Your Team has been accepted" through the team management portal. 

Registration fees must be submitted within 10 days of registration or your team may be removed from the tournament and wait listed.  
Registration now open! (closes on Friday, Nov 22, 2024)
Entry Fee
Due within 10 days
Early Entry
There are 4 confirmed / accepted spots remaining. *
Is your team using the Sportsheadz App? If so, you might want to create an account on this website first. You'll also need to create an account if your team is accepted.