Our Programs (West Lorne Comets)

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West Lorne Minor Hockey Programs

West Lorne Minor Hockey is an Ontario Minor Hockey Association classified as a "B" centre.  All our home games and practices are hosted in the Bo Horvat Community Centre in West Lorne, ON.  Please see below for a full description of our programming. 

Intro to Hockey (Saturdays)
Intro to Hockey is a one-year program for all new hockey players aged U5 - U11.  Intro to Hockey Skills Development program is an optional learn to skate/improve skating and learn hockey skills program, for first time players.  This program is designed for players with little to no skating experience, and for players who can stand and move on skates but have never played hockey.   Intro to Hockey players do not pay volunteer fees or fundraising fees.  

Comets House Hockey (Saturdays)
Comets House Hockey is an in-house hockey program for players U11 - U15.  This program includes one ice time a week, which focuses on skills and local games. The intent of this program is to offer an option for families and players that are not interested in formal league play, but just want to play hockey.  Comets House Hockey players do not pay volunteer fees or fundraising fees.  

U7 Hockey
U7 Hockey for players that are still developing their hockey skills, but are able to participate in games.  West Lorne U7 teams will play games in house with other U7 West Lorne teams, as well as up to 10 exhibition games with other centres from October - March (approximately 25 weeks). U7 teams participate in the Comets Holiday Jamboree, which is fun-style tournament hosted in West Lorne.  This jamboree is at no additional cost to the players/families.  Teams may choose to attend additional jamborees based on the coaches/parents.  Registration fees for additional jamborees are covered by the families.  U7 players are subject to volunteer fees and fundraising fees, however families are able to have these fees returned to them.  

Local League Hockey (U9 - U18)
Local league teams have one (1) weeknight ice time (Tuesday/Thursdays or Fridays) and have one (1) weekend ice time for home games (Saturdays or Sundays).  Local league teams play in the Four Counties Hockey League, which includes away games in Mooretown, Wallaceburg, Dresden, Petrolia, Ridgetown, and Glencoe/Bothwell.  U9 LL involves a year end tournament in Mooretown in March.  All other divisions include playoffs and finals for the Four Counties Hockey League Championships.   Most Local League teams participate in up to three (3) tournaments, and some tournaments may involve overnight travel. Tournaments are decided upon by the coaches and parents, and are additional cost to the parents/families of the team.   All local league players are subject to volunteer fees and fundraising fees, however families are able to have these fees returned to them.  

Representative Programming U9+
As a "B" centre, we offer representative programming for ages U9 and up.  Representative teams are created following tryouts.  Representative teams have a minimum of two (2) home ice times per week, with additional ice on a regular basis.  Our representative teams play in the Shamrock Hockey League, which usually includes away games in Dresden, Petrolia, Mooretown, Wallaceburg, South Huron, Lucan, Ilderton, Blenheim/Ridgetown, Mt. Brydges, Strathroy, and St. Thomas. Representative teams have the opportunity to play for the Shamrock League Championship, as well as to qualify to attend the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) Red Hats Championships.  REP players are subject to volunteer fees and fundraising fees, however families are able to have these fees returned to them.  REP teams also have a REP team fee, established each season to help cover the costs for additional ice times.  

Girls Development 
WLMH is an inclusive hockey program.  We have many girls registered for our teams in all divisions and age groups.  In addition, we offer girls - only development programs for all our girls.  These skills and practices are open to girls of West Lorne Minor Hockey, and are either offered free or at low cost.  We recognize the value of giving our girls separate ice times and working with all girls and female coaches to develop. 

Goalie Development 
WLMH also offers specific goalie skills clinics for all goalies U9+ at little or no cost to families.  We partner with specific qualified individuals during the season to provide goalie clinics in order to further the development of our goalies.  

Skills Development 
WLMH partners with individuals to provide in-season skills sessions to our players.  These sessions are focused on power skating, shooting, and game play scenarios to provide additional opportunities for player development.  These sessions are provided to our players at little or no additional costs to families.