Tryout Schedule (West Lorne Comets)

Recent & Upcoming Tryouts

2024/2025 Tryout Schedule

Conditioning skates prior to tryouts will start September 16th for 9, U11, and U13.  Conditioning skates allow for players to have an opportunity to be on the ice prior to their first tryout. These conditioning skates are not run by evaluators of the tryouts or coaches of the REP teams, and are not part of tryout evaluation.

All conditioning skates & tryouts will be held at the Bo Horvat Community Centre (West Lorne Arena).  Full equipment, including mouth guard is required.  
Additionally, we also want to remind parents that should their child make the U11 or U13 D (REP) team, there is a team fee charged to cover the cost of the additional weekly ice time during the season.  More details on payment will follow after tryouts. 

Try-Out Registration at the Arena

You must check in upon arrival at your tryout, to receive a pinnie and/or jersey for tryouts.  Please arrive early to allow for time to ensure all registrations are complete.  Pinnies/jerseys are to be returned at the end of each tryout.

Tryout Payment

A payment fee of $50 is required to participate in U11/U13 conditioning skates & tryouts.  The Registrar will be present at the tryouts to ensure all fees are paid.  If you have not previously paid this fee as part of your registration, please e-transfer to [email protected] and indicate the Team/Age Group and “Tryout Fee” in the comments. 

Tryout fees must be paid or you will not be permitted to participate in tryouts.

Please see below for the full Try-Out Policy:

  1. All fees must be paid prior to the first tryout unless a prior arrangement has been made with the WLMH Board.

  2.  The West Lorne Minor Hockey Association (WLMHA) permits all competitive coaches to select their team.  Head coaches are permitted to pick instructors to help with the try-out procedure.

  3. The Director of Coaching will approve all on-ice instructors/coaches involved in running the tryout(s) on the ice.  Additional assistants may be assigned to conduct on-ice drills during the selection period under the direction of the on-ice selection committee. Additional, third-party evaluators (not part of assigned coaching staff) may be assigned to assist with tryouts at the discretion of WLMHA.

  4. The coaches conducting tryouts are responsible for ensuring that all players receive an equal chance to demonstrate their skills.

  5.  Discussions that take place regarding Evaluations are confidential, and will not be discussed with parents or other people outside the Evaluation process.  When a player is cut from a team, parents are not to seek out and contact Evaluators about this.  The Coach or groups representative, who contacts the player or parent, is the only one who is to discuss why the player was cut.  In doing so, a comparison to any other specific child shall not be used.

  6.  Once team selections have been made by the coaches, they will attempt to notify all parents/players in their age group of their placement via website post.  Every effort will be made to notify all parents/players in an age group on the same day of the final tryout by 11pm.

  7. All registered players are guaranteed a minimum of 2 tryout skates.  If a player cannot attend a tryout skate, for any reason, they must contact the  Director of Coaching prior to the tryout that will be missed.  A player must attend at least (2) of the tryout skates to be considered for the Rep teams, unless in accordance with the below.

  8. If a player misses tryouts because of injury, illness, or a transfer from another center, the Director of Coaching and, if applicable, coaches from the child's previous hockey season, will meet and discuss how to proceed.  (Place the child on the team if the decision is obvious, or allow for the player to be viewed in an evaluation set up when healthy).  Any decision will be pending Board approval.

Eligibility of an Underage Player to Tryout

  1. Per OMHA Regulation 3.6, the WLMHA has established criteria for an underage player to tryout.  An underage player shall be eligible to try out for a higher age team, and qualify by ability in accordance with section 87 - Player Request to Move Up.

Team Website
Fri, Sep 20
Sat, Sep 21
Sun, Sep 22
Team Website
Fri, Sep 20
Sat, Sep 21
Sun, Sep 22
Team Website
Fri, Sep 20
Sat, Sep 21
Sun, Sep 22