Sep 14, 2018 | Karen Booth | 1967 views
Peewee Rep Final Roster
The bench staff and selection committee would like to thank the players who attended tryouts this year. Everyone worked hard and the final decisions were very difficult to make.
Congratulations to the following players who will represent West Lorne on the 2018-19 Peewee Rep Team:
Nolan Mosher
Jakson Beattie
Keegan Bolton
Sam DeSousa
Val Vanbrenk
Taylor Sweeney
Tanner Rowsom
Josh Mosher
Rhick Hales
Thomas Rawluk
Cohen Lovell
Ryerden Todd
Evan Cipu
Ryan Booth
There will be a parent meeting at Sunday's practice at 2pm. Please have at least one parent in attendance.
Players not on the above list please attend the peewee local practice Saturday at 3pm.
We will also have the following players as AP's:
Jackson Dietrich
Bryson Penney
Jaxson Hyslop
Liam Slaats
Have a great season! Go Comets!