Hello Parents of the U8 Team!
This letter contains important information to kick off the West Lorne Comets 2022-2023 season. West Lorne Minor Hockey Association (WLMHA) is very excited to welcome you all to the new season!
Season Start Dates & Regular Weekly Times
The first practice/season start will be Saturday September 24th, from 10:00 - 10:50AM at the West Lorne Arena. Weekly practices/home games will be Saturdays from 10:00 - 10:50AM and Thursdays from 6:00 - 6:50 PM.
Any upcoming home and away games will be scheduled as the season progresses. Team calendars online will be updated. Communication will come directly from the coaches.
Coach of the U8 Team
The head coach for the U8 group is Nic Martin. Nic can be reached directly at: [email protected]
Parents that indicated an interest in bench staff positions and helping on ice will be contacted directly by the coach.
First Practice
For your first practice, please ensure your child has all their equipment. Jerseys and socks are provided by WLMHA as they become available. Please bring an old jersey or practice jersey for the 1st week or so. Here is a link to the OMHA equipment list: https://www.omha.net/page/show/2796144-equipment
Used equipment can be purchased at Herms Sport Exchange in London.
When you come into the arena, check the dressing room board to your right. Dressing rooms will be specified on the white board to the right inside the arena. You should arrive at least 20 minutes before your scheduled ice time. Some parents dress their children at home with everything except their skates and helmet, to make it a quicker time in the dressing room.
Respect in Sport - Parent Course
One parent of each NEW registrant must complete the Hockey Canada Respect in Sport Course. Please ensure at least one (1) parent has completed this course prior to September 24. https://westlornecomets.com/Pages/2184/Respect_In_Sport/
Please ensure all your registration payments are up to date so you are ready to play!
Later in the year, you will receive a booklet for raffle tickets as part of your fundraising fee. More info to come.
Volunteer Hours
Each player is required to have a parent complete their volunteer hours in order to get the $150 volunteer fee reimbursed. Please monitor the website for upcoming volunteer opportunities. https://westlornecomets.com/Pages/2212/Volunteer_Requirements/
Website & Social Media
Please be sure to follow us on Facebook @westlornecometshockey and browse our website on an ongoing basis. The website is a great resource for all information about WLMHA and the upcoming season.
SportsHeadz App - Mobile Team Management
SportsHeadz App is an app managed by WLMHA website interface. It is a team management app that allows coaches to communicate via a chat function with players/parents, allows schedules and team activities to be set up, and allows players to respond to their availability for practices and games.
All players will be added to the app with their email. Players under the age of 13 will be added as a parent/guardian managing their player. You will be added via the email you used when you registered yourself/child. If you would like a second player/guardian added for your child, please let us know.
In the coming days, you will receive an invitation to download the app and you will be added to a team. Please see the attached “How to” guide to learn about the app.
Subscribe to Your Team’s Calendar
Team Calendars and all Team News is available on westlornecomets.com under “Team Finder” and select your team name.
If you use your electronic calender on your Apple/Android device, make sure you subscribe to your team calendar. The calendar updates continuously, so if a game or practice is scheduled/canceled, this will show up in your electronic mobile device calendar.
Visit: https://westlornecomets.com/Teams/1248/Webcal/ for instructions on how to Subscribe directly to the Team’s calendar.
Questions about the Upcoming Season
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Registrar or your coach. Throughout the season, any concerns can be sent directly to the WLMHA Board.
On behalf of the West Lorne Minor Hockey Association, thank you all for joining the West Lorne Comets hockey family! Let’s get a great season going. GO COMETS GO!!!
Jessica Small